LyonFrance29NomadAround HereOverviewGuideScoresPeoplesCost of Living WeatherCuisineReviewsNearSimilarImagesMust try ✨Tête de veauTête de veau is a traditional French dish from Lorraine, consisting of boiled calf's head served with a variety of sauces and vegetables.🥩Veal DishQuenelle Quenelle dumplings are a regional specialty from the Rhône-Alpes region of France. They are made with a combination of ingredients like egg whites, cream, flour and butter, and are usually served in a creamy sauce or other flavorful accompaniments.🍽️DumplingsAndouillette Andouillette sausage is a traditional French delicacy originating from the city of Troyes. It is made with pork, onions, herbs and spices, and is usually served grilled or fried.🌭SausageSouffléSoufflé is a French dessert that consists of egg yolks and whipped egg whites combined with flavored custard or cheese, then baked until light and fluffy.🍰Dessert*** 🔒*** is a classic French dish consisting of steak and fries. *** is a classic Fren...🐮Beef Dish*** 🔒*** is a French appetizer made with cheese. *** is a classic French a...🥟Appetizer*** 🔒*** is a French dish made of chicken cooked in a vinegar-based sauce. It is usually s...🐔Chicken Dish*** 🔒 *** is a French sausage dish made with black pudding and apples. It is typically...🌭Sausage Dish*** 🔒 *** Frozen Dessert Europe France is a premium frozen dessert made with quality ingredients such...🍰Frozen Dessert*** 🔒*** is a traditional French pancake from Brittany that is made with buckwheat flour,...🧁PancakeOriginal from Lyon 🥇Rosette de Lyon Rosette de Lyon is a type of French sausage/salami that originates from the city of Lyon, France. It is made from pork and seasoned with herbs, spices, and garlic, giving it a unique and savory flavor.🌭Sausage/SalamiSalade LyonnaiseSalade Lyonnaise is a traditional French salad from Lyon, made with frisée lettuce, bacon lardons, croutons and tossed in a dressing of red wine vinegar and mustard.🍽️SaladFoie de veau à la Lyonnaise Foie de veau à la Lyonnaise is a traditional offal dish from Lyon, France. It consists of calf liver cooked in butter and served with onions, bacon, and herbs.🍖Offal DishSaucisson briocheSaucisson brioche is a classic sausage dish from the city of Lyon, France. The dish consists of a pork sausage baked into a sweet brioche dough.🌭Sausage Dish*** 🔒 *** is a classic French dessert from Lyon, France consisting of pears poached in red wine...🍰Dessert*** 🔒 *** is a French dessert from the city of Lyon, consisting of an almond meringue filled ...🍰Dessert*** 🔒 *** is a spread from Lyon, France made with fresh herbs, garlic and cream cheese. It ...🍽️Spread*** 🔒*** is an offal dish from France's Lyon region, made with tripe (stomach lining) and o...🍖Offal DishJoin Nomad Life PlusUnlock All Content Forever!134 People joined so far today!👉 Join Nomad Life+ Now! 👈* 70% discount for a limited number of people.
Tête de veauTête de veau is a traditional French dish from Lorraine, consisting of boiled calf's head served with a variety of sauces and vegetables.🥩Veal Dish
Quenelle Quenelle dumplings are a regional specialty from the Rhône-Alpes region of France. They are made with a combination of ingredients like egg whites, cream, flour and butter, and are usually served in a creamy sauce or other flavorful accompaniments.🍽️Dumplings
Andouillette Andouillette sausage is a traditional French delicacy originating from the city of Troyes. It is made with pork, onions, herbs and spices, and is usually served grilled or fried.🌭Sausage
SouffléSoufflé is a French dessert that consists of egg yolks and whipped egg whites combined with flavored custard or cheese, then baked until light and fluffy.🍰Dessert
*** 🔒*** is a French dish made of chicken cooked in a vinegar-based sauce. It is usually s...🐔Chicken Dish
*** 🔒 *** is a French sausage dish made with black pudding and apples. It is typically...🌭Sausage Dish
*** 🔒 *** Frozen Dessert Europe France is a premium frozen dessert made with quality ingredients such...🍰Frozen Dessert
Rosette de Lyon Rosette de Lyon is a type of French sausage/salami that originates from the city of Lyon, France. It is made from pork and seasoned with herbs, spices, and garlic, giving it a unique and savory flavor.🌭Sausage/Salami
Salade LyonnaiseSalade Lyonnaise is a traditional French salad from Lyon, made with frisée lettuce, bacon lardons, croutons and tossed in a dressing of red wine vinegar and mustard.🍽️Salad
Foie de veau à la Lyonnaise Foie de veau à la Lyonnaise is a traditional offal dish from Lyon, France. It consists of calf liver cooked in butter and served with onions, bacon, and herbs.🍖Offal Dish
Saucisson briocheSaucisson brioche is a classic sausage dish from the city of Lyon, France. The dish consists of a pork sausage baked into a sweet brioche dough.🌭Sausage Dish
*** 🔒 *** is a classic French dessert from Lyon, France consisting of pears poached in red wine...🍰Dessert
*** 🔒 *** is a French dessert from the city of Lyon, consisting of an almond meringue filled ...🍰Dessert
*** 🔒 *** is a spread from Lyon, France made with fresh herbs, garlic and cream cheese. It ...🍽️Spread
*** 🔒*** is an offal dish from France's Lyon region, made with tripe (stomach lining) and o...🍖Offal Dish